Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Technology Convergence - How VC's and Larry Page are "Going Big or Going Home"

Larry Page is driving the future of Google towards Moon Shots
Thinking big: Larry Page talks moon shots 

Self driving cars

Wearable computing
Google Glass 
Worldwide Internet/WiFi access 
Loon for All - Project Loon - Google
Healthcare longevity research
WTF Is Calico, And Why Does Google Think Its Mysterious New Company Can Defy Aging? | TechCrunch 

What Does the Future Dominant Company Look Like?
Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft increasingly compete against each other. Are they Content Providers? Advertising Platforms? Search Engines? Social Networks? Hardware Providers? Ecommerce Platforms?

The more complex the world becomes, the more we need integrated systems that are highly personalized and (self) organized to guide us.

Gaining efficiencies in this competitive landscape by differentiating signal from noise is the "killer app".

"Going Big or Going Home"
A brief illustration:

Our startup, Media 2.0, is at the nexus of content and ecommerce. As Amazon has demonstrated (as well as others such as Netflix and eBay) commerce of the future (and today) is driven by content, sophisticated recommendations, trust networks, user generated content (including reviews, think about this: Would Facebook exist without user generated content? What else is it?), personalization, efficient distribution, social signals (including social networks) etc.

Why we claim we are the future of ecommerce - Investor FAQ 

But this is only the beginning of the transformation of ecommerce (and commerce generally) via trusted content. 

Those who "Get It" Write Their Own Ticket

Look at Google. Google's Search is, most essentially and fundamentally, an ecommerce engine driven by content - specifically search content, mediated by Paid Search, AdSense, AdWords and the like. Google "creates" its search content by organizing information from the world to meet user's queries.

Ecommerce and Content are like the famous classic Hershey's commercial. "You got chocolate in my peanut butter. No, you got peanut butter on my chocolate".

The two flow naturally together, but in unobvious ways, just as peanut butter and chocolate is not necessarily an intuitive combination. But unlike chocolate and peanut butter, you cannot just slop content and ecommerce together and expect them to be successful. An idea that is relatively simple is far from easy. Just the opposite, you can quickly and easily lose your shirt if you do not understand well what you are doing, falling into the terribly expensive pitfall of "if you build it, they will come".

In the video above we discuss creating destination sites across mobile and other platforms, and a few of the other important key principles in regard to utilizing content and ecommerce together successfully.

There is a lot more to tell, which is one reason that this domain is still in its infancy.

A Common Link

As per Marc Andreessen, "software IS eating the world". EVERY business is becoming a software business, or at a minimum a technology business, and being disrupted as this occurs.

But every business is becoming a content business as well. Look at social media as but one example. Can your business survive much less prosper without effective content today?

Some people study companies. Some people study stocks. I look at the macro and micro level, including studying those who most "get it" in the areas in which I am involved:

My 7 page interview with David Cohen:
Industry Leaders of Tech 2.0 Interview David Cohen: "Look for us to continue to pile up unfair advantages for our companies" 

My 7 page interview with Brad Feld:
Industry Leaders Interview Brad Feld - "Fundamentally, it’s about being open, honest, direct, respectful, and humble" 

(and many many more)

This post is just to whet your appetite. There is so much more of importance to discuss.

But I'll leave you with this:
Technological convergence 
"Technological convergence is the tendency for different technological systems to evolve toward performing similar tasks. Digital convergence can refer to previously separate technologies such as voice (and telephony features), data (and productivity applications), and video that now share resources and interact with each other synergistically.

Telecommunications convergencenetwork convergence or simplyconvergence are broad terms used to describe emerging telecommunicationstechnologies, and network architecture used to migrate multiple communications services into a single network.[1] Specifically this involves the converging of previously distinct media such as telephony and data communications into common interfaces on single devices."

Jeff Bezos is a genius because he understands how seemingly unrelated businesses are, in fact, related. Larry Page is a genius because he is betting, and betting big, on what is next.

The World's Most Successful VC's and How They Discover "The Next Big Thing" First 

Are you?

Go big or go home. That is your only real choice today.

I've come up with a saying that "the Universe expands or contracts opportunities based upon our ability to receive them." 

That is your ticket to "The Laws and Secrets of Success".

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